When people talk about work/life balance, is it just about prioritizing different parts of your life? Well, the simple point that I want to say is, if you love your work, then every minute, every second, I’m sure you are enjoying your life no matter how many long hours you need to work each day.
I am so pleased to have Natalie Bradley with us here. She started to run her event planning and consultation business since 2003 and it is a true stand out in this field. She has been featured in many other media channels including CNN.com, TLCWedding, Style Me Pretty, just to name a few. Her sharing will surely make a remarkable vision for entrepreneurs, if you are also thinking to run your own business. I can see how happy she is even though she is busy like a butterfly and I hope we can all learn something from her sharing here!
Let’s get started!
Hi Natalie, can you tell us about yourself and your business?
I actually own two very different businesses – {Soirée by} Natalie Bradley Events, started in 2003, and Natalie Bradley Consulting, launched in 2008.
I’ve been obsessed with all things Martha – crafting, design, entertaining and creating a beautiful life in general – since I discovered Martha while in high school. So I guess it makes sense that I entered the event planning industry while I was still in school at the University of Georgia. Then in 2008, I started teaching organic online and offline marketing strategies that I’ve used in my own business to become very successful fairly quickly. I enjoy working in both areas so much!
Over the years, our events, articles, and business tips have been featured in hundreds of magazines, newspapers, blogs, TV and radio shows, and other media, including The Handmade Home, The Red Envelope Blog, Brooklyn Limestone, Frosted Petticoat, Borrowed & Blue Blog, Inside Weddings, TLCWeddings.com, CNN.com, Vows Magazine, Hybrid Mom, WedTheMagazine.com, Elite Bridal Network, Black Star Rising Blog, WedLock Magazine, American Express for Entrepreneurs, OnlineAthens.com, Modern Bride Atlanta, Style Me Pretty, Long Island Bride and Groom, The Knot Georgia, and Brides.com.
We’re based out of Athens, Georgia, where I live with my husband Edward and daughter Reese.
What was previous job and what motivated you to start your own business?

I’ve actually always known I would be a business owner. Both of my parents and two of my grandparents are entrepreneurs, so I guess it’s in my blood. I just started earlier than I thought, at the age of 23, because there wasn’t a business that did what I wanted to do at the time, so I created my own path.
From your experience, what have been your challenges to get your business up and running? How did you overcome them?

Tenacity is the hardest thing for most people, including myself. It’s really hard to start up a new business. You have to work pretty much 24/7 for months, if not years, to really get it going. When I started my first business, I was also working part-time to pay the bills for the first 6 months, then took a major leap of faith when things really started picking up. It was still 3 years after I started that I really started making good money consistently.
Most people don’t realize the startup capital you need to get through those lean months at the beginning, the advertising and marketing it takes just to get your name out there, and the amount of hours you’ll need to put in to make things really start clicking.
Sticking to it, reminding yourself of your dream every single day, and remaining passionate while working steadily is the key to it all.
How are you currently promoting your business and/or personal branding?
Mostly what we do is what I call grassroots marketing, organic marketing and word-of-mouth marketing. Meaning, I don’t do much in the way of paid advertising. Very little actually, spending less than $200 monthly on advertising total. We do a strong combination of online marketing via social media platforms, blogging consistently, guest blogging, aligning with strategic partners to get our name out there continually, media features, and email marketing.
What do you love most from running your own business?
Freedom. Freedom of creativity and inspiration to follow my heart, but equally important, the freedom to create my hours around our lifestyle and spend more time with my own family and pursuing my own dreams than working for someone else’s goals and dreams. That’s what keeps me going every single day.
What advice will you give to those people who are thinking to let go and build their own business?
Go for it … but also be smart. Don’t just jump ship from your day job without a plan. Start building your dream business on the side now, then as your demand increases, consider working part time in your day job and focusing on your dream job one to two full business days a week. Then shift accordingly until one day you can easily cut the cords from your day job and be a completely full time business owner!
What are the tips/tools that you recommend for a start-up?
Read as many books, take as many online (or in person) classes as you can. Become a sponge for knowledge from other people like yourself. Don’t model corporations that are not like the model you’re creating. Learn from people who have been in your shoes and have the right tools for your business type and your niche. The tools will differ slightly from industry to industry.
Still to this day, I’m constantly reading or taking classes to stay abreast of the latest marketing technology and strategies to create continued success.
How do you see work-life balance as an entrepreneur, and any advice on that?
It’s a constant work in action to find that balance. And I also honor the cycles of my business. Some times of the year, I will simply have to work more and have less time for “life”, while the reverse will be true in slower times for business. It took a while for me to learn to stop fighting that and figure out the natural rhythm of my company and life.
Always remember what’s most important at the end of the day and keep that in your mind! Cut out more than you take on, and become really good at saying “NO” when it doesn’t serve your company or your family.
How do you keep motivated through the difficult times?
Returning to my passion and keeping a daily dream journal. It reminds me of why I started, why I continue and what my future holds!
“It’s supposed to be hard. If it wasn’t hard, everyone would do it. The hard… is what makes it great.”
(From the movie A League of Their Own )
Thanks Natalie for her sharing here! She is truly a fascinating person and we’re all in for a treat today. If you are interested to contact Natalie, here are her details:
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/soireebynatalie/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/soireebynatalie/
Email: info@nataliebradley.com