If you have worked for a big corporate, you know corporates like to have their vision statements up on the wall or at least published on their corporate websites. This serves as a reminder to all the people who work for and interact with the company about what it stands for. Some companies also hold annual functions to remind employees of the company’s vision, mission, and objectives.
Vision is the first step in deciding to run your own business. It may just start out as a vision for a better lifestyle for yourself and evolve into something bigger as you progress. You need to know exactly where you want to go and what you want to achieve. Your vision is a picture of what the world will be like when your company is successful and it serves as a way to guide your steps towards realizing that vision.
If you have a passion for something, you usually have the associated vision even though you may not have it clearly written as the big corporates do. Personally, I don’t have such a big vision as wanting to be the dominating business in a particular market or creating something that is life-changing. All I want is to enjoy a better lifestyle with my own business, and if possible, do what I can to benefit the people around me. That works to drive me. You need to find what vision will drive you towards waking up every morning and putting 200% into your business. Businessmen like Donald Trump advise people to ‘think big’, but it is not necessarily about having huge goals as it is about making sure that your dream is big enough for you. We do not all want the same things out of life so make sure your vision aligns exactly with what you want. Forget about what others may have to say about it.
Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded Google in 1998 with the vision of creating a search engine that would make it simpler to find and navigate through webpages on the internet. After establishing itself as one of the biggest search engines on the web (today the biggest), Google started venturing into other products and services based on an expanding vision of technological innovation and automation. Today Google provides email services, blogging platforms, a social network, cloud storage, document sharing, eyewear, and driverless vehicles. These are only some of the services which have become a part of Google’s vision that the founders could not have imagined when they first started out. With every new milestone the company reached, they were able to revisit their vision and create a new one. Google’s vision evolved over time, and you may also hear celebrities and other notable personalities say that they had no idea that they would be so successful when they first started out.
So don’t worry if you don’t have a grand vision to start with. If you have a simple and easy to understand the vision, write it down, tag it around your workplace so that you can be reminded of what you are pursuing every day. Include it on your company’s website and other promotional materials. Some vision statements even turn into catchy slogans. Make yours powerful enough to motivate you to pursue it and motivate others to want to be a part of it.
If you have a big dream, but it just doesn’t turn out the way that you wanted it to, do not be stubborn. Change your focus and maybe there is another big market ahead. Also, don’t give up on your vision. It takes many small steps to achieve something great and it would be a shame to turn around a few steps before you realize your vision simply because you didn’t see that it was waiting right in front of you. Keep your eye on the prize and you will begin to be intuitive about your progress and success. We are not given talents and passions for nothing. Your own inner GPS system will tell you where you need to go and how close you are. You just need to switch it on, trust the directions and it will guide you to your destination or vision. Close your eyes and see your vision clearly, then start running towards it.
I can’t wait to hear about your vision and maybe a breakthrough too? Put it into the comment box below and be inspired by each other! Subscribe here to receive our weekly tips and tricks to go forward our passion!