First thing first, don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying being your own boss will either be all or nothing. Instead, bet small and think big!
Have you ever dreamt that being your own boss could make you a zillionaire? Look, we all want to make a good living, right? We are all gifted. Dream as big as you can. There are no limits. The possibilities of what you can do are literally limitless, even from a physical point of view. Every year we find out that outer space is bigger than previously thought and every year more and more money goes into circulation. There is more money to be earned today than there ever has been. Being a zillionaire may sound ridiculous but a decade back it sounded crazy to be a billionaire. Now there are trillions of dollars in circulation in single industries like healthcare, energy, and e-commerce. We’ve covered the last one quite a bit here – the internet is opening up more and more doors as you are reading this. So, take the leap. Yes, it will be hard work. And yes, it may take a while – maybe years, maybe decades. But yes, you can become a zillionaire!
Perhaps you’re thinking: “I’ll never need that much money.” That may be true but the point is that a lot can be done with that money. Think of all the people you could help, think of all the causes you could contribute to. It is a fact that financial freedom is a huge factor in quality of life and the benefits could be exponential. It shouldn’t be about getting rich, but usually when you find what you love and keep at it, the riches come to you. The world (on a smaller scale: your clients or customers) will reward you for the value you provide. Add more value and you will create more wealth for yourself. It is a numbers game. Large multi-national companies employ thousands of people and provide services to millions. That results in billions of dollars moving around providing families with food and their other necessities.
Sometimes it’s difficult to measure the impact of one company until it starts making losses. Nokia used to be the leading smartphone manufacturer in the world. In 2008 sales started declining, resulting in a loss of 38 billion Euros until 2014. The job losses lead to a fall in Finland’s GDP and it was estimated that the country would need 38 new start-ups with annual revenues of no less than 100 million Euros each in order to make up for the downfall. That’s one large impact created by a company that was originally founded by two aspiring entrepreneurs, so never believe that you are too small to make a difference.
The case may be that you do not have much to begin with. Do not let that make you despondent. Many of today’s millionaires were once homeless and desperate. They picked themselves out of dire situations to get to where they are. If they could do it, you can also do it, no matter what your existing circumstances. Start small and grow big. Start your business like you are running on zero (or very little) capital. That will also teach you to be mindful of expenses, and another trick to making more money is to save more money. It also allows you to become more creative in order to make things work on less.