Trust makes us feel safe in the world, especially in those we perceive as being responsible adults or choose as friends. However, if we do not manage it well, or, when as a teenager a trusted adult behaves like a devil for whatever reasons, the trust that takes years to build, can take seconds to break. Some people who experience terrible life circumstances turn to alcohol or drugs, but I’m proud of my friend Lyn Smith, who is not fearful anymore, she comes from a place of love and has started up her HEARTS Entwined business with a mission to have a positive impact in reducing divorce, domestic violence, self-harm & suicide! Let’s see her story
Hi Lyn, tell us about yourself and your business?
I’m a Love & Relationship Expert. My mission is to have a positive impact on reducing divorce, domestic violence, self-harm & suicide.
I help women reclaim their ‘feminine’ power, survive and thrive from past / current hurts, traumas & heartbreak and attract/create lasting passion, intimacy, peace & fulfillment.
This is done via live events, Spanish retreats, and group or 1-1 online coaching.
Can you tell us what motivated you to start up this meaningful business?
My personal story is a very inspirational and harrowing one of how I went from having unhealthy relationships with men – on the back of several serious traumatic sexual assaults in my teens – (which I’m happy to share and talk about) to now being in a soul fulfilling relationship which makes me feel alive, is full of passion and gives me inner peace.
How do you differentiate yourself in the industry?
I feel it comes across from my life experiences that I am very caring, authentic and can genuinely understand and empathize with what other women may have gone through. I feel that people are more and more looking for that heart-centered approach, rather than coaches who just have theoretical knowledge through academic or vocational qualifications.
What have you found to be your most effective way of finding your readers/audience?
Recommendations and referrals as well as guest speaking engagements and interviews.
How do you keep yourself motivated during the difficult times?
Never invest in anything if you’re coming from a place of having a ‘lack’ or ‘greed’ mentality, it’s important that if you’re open and vulnerable that it comes from a place of strength and feeling abundant, otherwise you will attract people who will take advantage of you.
When I left my ex-husband nearly 10 years ago I was in needy, vulnerable state, I was fearful of how I was going to financially support myself, I trusted a person who I thought was a successful business associate and friend, he offered me and many others the opportunity to invest in a business which he said would at least double our capital within a year and so I gave him all the money I had saved to start a new life on the strength of his promises, and of course paid a heavy price, because he just disappeared abroad and subsequently blocked me from all his contacts!
I go to my community, I hug my kids, I sing 80s songs really loud in the car, I dance in my living room, I watch a TED Talk, I call an old mentor or close entrepreneur friend and get a pep talk. I just try different things until something works… I find it’s really effective to just dive in and create. To see my ideas come to life is really motivating for me.
What is a day of your life like?
I’m very grateful and blessed to be able to do what I please on a daily basis I can choose whether to work, rest or play based on what I feel my mind/body/ life needs at any one time.
What is the upcoming marketing plan that you want to share with us?
I’m currently recording some episodes of the ‘HEARTS Entwined’ podcast which is due to be launched soon.
What are the 3 big pieces of recommendation for those who are thinking to have their own startup?
Start by defining your niche – your niche needs to be an inch wide and a mile deep NOT a mile wide and an inch deep, most people make the mistake of trying to sell to anyone and everybody and end up selling to no-body because their marketing message is too general.
Your customers are only interested in the solutions/results to their pains and problems (they are not interested in your services/products) to sell to their wants – the solutions/results to their pains and problems, then give them what they need – your services/products.
Not everyone will love your services/products and that’s ok – adopt the attitude of the three S.W’s
Some Will
Some Won’t
So What!
If anyone wants to get in touch with you, where should we send them to?
Contact: Lyn@Hearts-Entwined.com
Website: www.Hearts-Entwined.com
Facebook: 2Hearts-Entwined
Twitter: https: 2Hearts-Entwined
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lynsmithinspirationalspeaker/
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Hey, do you have a vision that you want to bring it to life? Or you are still waiting for the “perfect” time to go off on your own? What I learned from many great entrepreneurs that I interviewed here at Achieversminds.com is: Go for it. Be confident to go with your passion. I can’t wait to hear your story!