Being an entrepreneur sounds fantastic when you have passion, doesn’t it? However, sometimes being an entrepreneur is not really as great as it may seem. When things do not go your way, without the self-motivation or perseverance, it will not be easy to go on. So you will have to create methods which will help you stay motivated. A successful business cannot be built overnight and there is no set rule or magic key for success, but one of the key traits for successful entrepreneurs is that they are always self-motivated. This means that they don’t give up easily and are self-confident enough to always keep going. Business has its ups and downs, and you will have to treat failure as part of the journey. That way, you can program yourself to persist and move on whenever necessary.
Apple introduced the Macintosh computer to the market in 1984. Although it was the first mass market personal computer with a user interface and a mouse, it was expensive and failed to remain competitive in the market. A year later, Steve Jobs was fired from Apple and he would later refer to this as the best thing that could have happened to him. Jobs said at his commencement speech at Stanford University in 2005: “The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life.” Jobs went on to found Next Computers and Pixar, before returning to Apple. His self-motivation and confidence kept him going when many others may have given up. If it wasn’t for Jobs’ perseverance, we may not have been introduced to 3D computerized animations, the iPhone, the iPad, and other devices which have revolutionized personal computing.
I remember when I started my jewelry business I was totally new in the field and did not have much knowledge. It was my passion for wanting to be involved with “pretty and glamourous glitters” that motivated me to take the GIA course and get the accredited qualification, thereby strengthening my confidence in dealing with customers. As a result, I’ve been able to keep going and carry on with the business, moving it to greater heights with every step.
How can you keep yourself motivated? Here’s a few tips:
• Start first thing in the morning. Think of all the things you have to be grateful for, what you’ve achieved and your goals for the day, week, short term and long term. This way, you will automatically focus your attention on those things throughout the day.
• Regularly remind yourself of the things you’ve achieved and how much effort it took to achieve them. Think about personal accomplishments, professional achievements, awards you’ve received and credits you have gained. Personally, I remind myself of the hard work I invested in gaining my qualifications. I have my certified accountant qualification, the MBA, and the GIA, so I have to keep going and keep my professionalism.
• Set goals and stay aware of them. Make sure you know what your objectives are. What do you want to achieve by the end of the day? Where do you want to be in a week’s, month’s and a year’s time? And where do you see yourself in five to ten years? By having a clear picture in your mind of where you want to be, you can stay focused on where you’re going and the attainment of your ideals will keep you motivated. Define the short term goals that can help you achieve the long term goals. Revisit the strategy regularly to see how you can do better.
• Have a role model. Think of someone you admire and all the adversities they faced in order to achieve success. Ultimately, we are all capable of success so following a role model will teach you that you can also do it. Oprah Winfrey is my role model and I want to be as successful as she is. I keep following her network so as to gain insights on how to do things better.
• Be accountable. If nobody knows about your ambitions, then nobody can hold you to them. Confide in family, friends or colleagues who will support you in achieving what you want. You can also have a mentor who will guide you and invest in your progress.
Self-motivated individuals also tend to motivate those around them so you will have a positive impact on other people’s lives. Never give up! Success is just ahead of you!
I’d love to know your keep yourself motivated along the entrepreneurial journey. How do you do that? Let us know in the comments below!
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