The long cultural and national history of China makes it a significant aspect to attract people from different parts of the world to go and explore. Cecile Stos is one of them. She has designed a series of decoration and fashion accessories that are all inspired by the Chinese culture from her French eyes, since 2002!
Have a look at her story and the mixed-cultural products!
Hi Cecile, can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your business
“Une Fille en Chine” means “A Girl in China”.
I’m French and have been living in China for 14 years i.e. 1/3 of my life !
Une Fille en Chine is a handmade collection of decoration and fashion accessories inspired by Chinese culture. It was originally the name of my blog, mix of “girls” and “China” topics, in French and English. The collection is available online : www.unefilleenchine.com
What motivated you to enter into this business?
My whole work was directly inspired by China. When I arrived in Beijing in 2002 I fell in love with Chinese traditional colors, designs, and patterns that inspired me to create home linen and fashion accessories. I used to do it for my family and friends and finally realized that this passion could turn into a full-time project. The collaboration with passionate and talented women who work on the handmade production could make it happen, and support to small ladies-owned Chinese companies is essential in my project.
How do you differentiate yourself from the similar products in town?
French design with Chinese touch and handmade quality production make Une Fille en Chine quite unique.
What have you found to be your most effective way of finding your clients?
Networking and social marketing are my priorities.
What is your business challenge and how do you try to get over the struggles?
A strong professional network is essential to me. I always try to meet other entrepreneurs and share views with people who face the same issues or have specific skills that can help me to handle our challenges. For example, When I wanted to launch my e-shop it happened that the perfect service provider was a “web friend” based in Singapore (www.our-little-company.com) that I met through our blogs.
How do you keep yourself motivated during the difficult times?
I try to see my clients as regularly as possible and I organize workshops to share my story and exchange with them. The last one was in March in Kuala Lumpur, to present the new collection in preview. Their feedback is usually quite a motivation! I also strongly believe in collaboration with other entrepreneurs, and take part to different entrepreneurs clubs, to share concerns and solutions.
What is a day of your life like?
I have the chance to wake up very early and take at least one hour for reading or doing sport each morning before my family wakes up. I try then to work efficiently enough in the day time to get my evenings free ! Friday is my “inspiration day” : I take the time to think out of the frame and I usually work outside : in a café, a library, etc….
What is the upcoming marketing plan that you want to share with us?
I just opened the worldwide delivery on my website and that’s my next challenge!
As an entrepreneur, how do you see the “work-life” balance?
Balance between personal life and work is one of my major concerns. I sometimes forgot how important it was when I began my business and am not easily ready to sacrifice too many weekends or holidays with my family anymore. I improved my work organization to be sure that I could spend enough time with my family as well as keeping enough “personal time” for reading and going out with my friends.
So how do you usually spend your leisure time?
I’m a city girl, with strong passion for literature, fashion, culture, family, and friends!
If anyone want to get in touch with you, where should we send them to?
Email: cecile@unefilleenchine.com
Website: www.unefilleenchine.com
Facebook: Une Fille en Chine Collection
Twitter: @unefilleenchine
Linkedin: Cecile Stos
Do you have a particular culture that you like? Will there be a business opportunity lies in there? Look around and possibly you may find your dream business there just like Cecile Stos! I am going to meet “this Girl in China” at the upcoming Prestige Summer Fair on 3rd June at the Conrad Hotel, the Grand Ballroom! Will I see you there too?
(Time: 10am to 7pm)
See you then!