Have you ever felt frustrated when business is not coming in your way that you wish? If you listen to the stories of many successful entrepreneurs, they say that they had no idea that their businesses would be successful when they started. It often starts with a passion for something and wanting it succeed. That passion and the action resulting from it attracts people to you because they want to be a part of it.
Passion should be the driving force behind your endeavors. Without passion, you will eventually get bored and lose interest in what you are doing. That will result in you just using your business to make money and not to make a difference, and your clients will pick up on that. Anything which lacks passion will also not go very far, so rather than waste your time doing something which you think will make money, focus on something you love and are passionate about. Start with the passion and the money will follow.
While working in corporate, you get used to 9 to 5, 40 hours a week, sometimes even longer. It can be tiring and draining. But when you run your own business, you will be so eager to work from the morning until late at night, or even overnight. You may wonder where this extra energy comes from. It’s all driven by your passion. You would so much love to see the things that you are working on come to life, and you wish it to look the way that you want it to. And of course, “B.Y.O.B” – Be Your Own Boss. That is, you want to have your own business and take advantage of your new-found freedom and sense of control.
Even though you may need to work for longer hours, you will still find it very enjoyable, and you will be happier than when you worked for a corporation. I have a very regular schedule, especially during the time when I need to take care of my son and work from home, for approximately 12 hours a day. But I don’t feel tired as I’m so eager to turn my ideas into a reality. I once had this slogan for my company: “Sparkle up Your Life!” It is this spark that kept me going and took my business off the ground.
So how do you keep this passion fire burning? Here’s a few tips:
1. Get together with like-minded people, who are positive thinkers.
2.Read “success stories” from different business websites and magazines which you will be keep inspired.
3. Get a mentor or join a mastermind group that you think could help you out. You need a constant push and lead especially during the kick start stage. I join Ali Brown as she is very true to herself and she keeps you guided, directed and goal-oriented. I enjoy reading her work so much and many of my business associates agree. Best of all, it’s affordable. Find out more here.
4. Looking for something free? Join LinkedIn and participate in business groups that are relevant to your business. I have created a group called Achiever’s Minds where I get together with professionals and executives from around the world and share business information and tips. Join us here.
5. Time flies quicker than before especially when you enjoy the things that you are doing. So make a monthly report of what you have accomplished. You will be amazed by the progress you have achieved, and will be eager to add new things to the report each following month.
Elon Musk started programming when he was only 12 years old. At the time, he loved what he was doing, which later evolved to business services and products which have transformed online shopping, car manufacturing, and space exploration. Musk co-founded Paypal and then went on to found SpaceX and Tesla Motors. The former is revolutionizing space travel by reducing the costs of space exploration and transport with the aim of making it simpler and more accessible to travel to space and nearby planets, and the latter is a pioneer in clean energy luxury motor vehicles. Musk has a passion which drives his vision of the future. It is not only making him a lot of money, but also changing the world.
Be passionate! Be Motivated! Sparkle up Your Life and Make Your Day Spectacular!