Not all copyeditors are equal.
Correct is good. But that’s not all there is to your client messaging. The real magic hasn’t even started yet. A great copyeditor will not only make sure your sentences are correct, she will also ensure that your thoughts flow smoothly, you are saying exactly what you mean (and only what you mean), you are consistent and clear, and your writing has direction and purpose. She will shape your content while supporting your style and maintaining your voice.
A strong copyeditor can visualize alternative, engaging ways to reach your readers, takes the initiative to research and understand your business, and has the ability (and willingness) to deliver the level of edits you need. This is where the true craft lies—this is the difference between presenting your clients with okay copy and presenting them with attention-grabbing, business-driving copy that compels them to connect with you.
Four tips to finding a superstar copyeditor
Use these tips when you’re ready to grow back your eyebrows (see part one) and find the right copyediting partner:
1. Ask for a sample
You’d never buy a car without test driving it first. Similarly, you wouldn’t want to choose a copyeditor before you know that her work is helpful. As a copyeditor, I am always happy to provide a small sample of my work to potential clients. Often the sample will be on their own material so they can see exactly how my style works with their content.
2. Find out your copyeditor’s process
Does she look at your material once, mark up the changes, and call it a day? Or does she have a thorough editing process? Content I copyedit never leaves my desk without being worked at least two times. As detailed as my first-round edits are, there is always additional opportunity in subsequent rounds. You want to make sure your copyeditor isn’t just checking your work off a to-do list.
3. Tell your copyeditor what you want
Do you want her to make an occasional recommendation or do you want in-depth edits, detailed queries, and thorough explanations of her suggestions? Let her know what you need. The extent of her work (and often the rate she charges) will vary depending on this information. Be sure your copyeditor is open to feedback and willing to adjust her edits to your needs—she should listen to you to understand what and how you are trying to communicate. Keep in mind that your partnership is fluid—as you learn more about each other’s style, your relationship will evolve and you can make adjustments as necessary.
4. Remember the choice is yours
Make sure your copyeditor is flexible. I am a rule follower through and through, but rigid prescriptivism is not helpful for anyone. The right copyeditor will know the rules of grammar and know how far they can be bent. Your copyeditor is a consultant—she will recommend and explain the best options for you based on her professional opinion and your business goals, but the decision to accept her input is ultimately yours.
Your copyeditor builds the bridge between you and your clients. She’ll make sure there is nothing in your content that gets in the way of your clients connecting with you. Make the choice to work with an expert — your business will thank you.
Megan Langston is a corporate communications consultant and freelance copyeditor in Denver, Colorado. She enjoys working with clients in all fields but particularly relishes partnering with clients who write about travel, pets, and crafts. She is an animal lover to the core and spends her free time either hiking the Boulder mountains or curled up on the couch knitting her latest project. She is also an avid traveler who takes every opportunity to hop on a plane to see new places — her favorite thing to do abroad is visit as many local bakeries as possible. Linkedin: Linkedin Email: MeganLangstonCopy@gmail.com