Do you still remember the days when you graduated from college, have you ever set your eyes on a particular dream job? But Winnie Tsang, a business owner of 7 businesses, chose to go for “Be Your Own Boss” and I can see her passion in doing every little step to make her dream comes true. See how she did it.
Hi Winnie, can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your business
I was born in Hong Kong but studied in Australia. Since I graduated and returned to Hong Kong, I started around 6 to 7 businesses together with my business partner. Amongst all these businesses, what I passionate most is the health and wellness.
What motivated you to enter into this business?
In my opinion, health and wellness should be part of your everyday routine so it should be user-friendly and accessible. But I was fed up with the “overpriced” and “over-embellished” products in the market. I started to look for some new products and try for myself. That’s how I reached out to Simplicité Skin Care. Its founder, David Lyons, a specialist skin doctor, naturopath and herbalist who runs the company in Australia, was so enthusiastic about the collaboration. I was completely sold after seeing the real difference that it gave on myself. That’s why I decided to bring this Australian brand Simplicité Skin Care to the Asia Market.
How do you differentiate yourself from the similar products in town?
The uniqueness of Simplicité Skin Care is that the ingredients are either certified organically grown or “wildly grown” in their natural habitat. People rave about organics nowadays. And since the products are freshly handmade with medicinal grade plant extracts, which means they are truly made with “love”. Each product has a high level of plant nutrients and antioxidants that our skin needs to keep its best. We also prefer not to spending big on marketing (which, honestly, will subsequently pass onto the consumer), so the packaging itself is functional. The products speak for themselves!
What have you found to be your most effective way of finding your clients?
Definitely by word of mouth in Hong Kong. We also do a bit of social marketing and will also do some print in the future but we would like to take it slowly and make our own things more manageable.
What is your business challenge and how do you try to get over the struggles?
Managing the stock level and cash flow are the biggest challenges for me. An example is the recent Zika virus, another product that we distribute – RID (the Australian mosquito repellent), were quickly sold out as some retailers could double if not triple the orders in a very short time.
How do you keep yourself motivated during the difficult times?
During the difficult times (and gladly there have not been many), I spend my time looking for other avenues and markets for our existing products, while also look for new products and bring them to Hong Kong and Asia.
What is a day of your life like?
Since this business is what I really passionate about so I love to hear all the feedback from my customers. I really enjoy working with the Australian founder as he is incredibly knowledgeable. Whilst the days are always busy I love what I do so it doesn’t really seem to be a work for me….
What is the upcoming marketing plan that you want to share with us?
We always look for other Australian brands for cross-over and we have had some successful roadshows alongside Australian produce. Although we have an online shop, we love to meet our customer in person. Roadshows and Fairs will be the next marketing aspect in order to gain the exposure. We are always looking for complementary retail outlets!
As an entrepreneur, how do you see the “work-life” balance?
Yes, being an entrepreneur means we need a healthy body so that we can always work things out efficiently and effectively. I like to get along with like-minded people too as this is important to stay motivated together.
So how do you usually spend your leisure time?
I love to spend time doing research and think of “new ideas”. I also love hiking as this tends to give me a lot of new inspirations. I also love to research about the Chinese culture e.g. Chinese Tea ceremonies.
If anyone want to get in touch with you, where should we send them to?
Email: winnie@wiselifeliving.com
Website: www.wiselifeliving.com / www.simplicitehk.com
Facebook: Wiselife Living / Simplicite HK
Less is more. Simple is better. Trust by going back to something natural is the lifestyle trend, and it’s eco-friendly as well. Do you want to experience this simple lifestyle too? Winnie will be exibiting her products at the Prestige Summer Fair on 3rd June at the Conrad Hotel, the Grand Ballroom! See u there. It’s from 10am to 7pm.