You may have participated a number of sales events every year, but do you have a strategy to maximize the sales impact from each of them?
First things first, you have done a lot of pre-event marketing, you have made your presence and met the audience/shoppers/clients, but this could be just half of the success. Have you done anything after the event? Here are the 4 tips for post-event follow up that can maximize the event impact.
Let’s dive in now!
1. Generate the Email List and the Qualified Leads
You have collected the contacts. You know about where they come from, possibly their likes or dislikes too, so it’s time to move on quickly by keeping in touch with each of them! Send them a Thank You email and tell them how often you will send them an update about yourself/products/news etc. Best time to send out this 1st email would be the same day evening, but in any case, no later than one week after the event or they will forget who you are!
2. Nuture the Leads
You don’t need to hard sell anything (actually I don’t recommend it too) in your 1st email. Instead, build your relationship with them. A lead that does not seem to be positive now, doesn’t mean they won’t become positive next month/months. So that’s why you should keep communicating with them on regular basis to keep their mind fresh about who you are, and how you can help them! A weekly email about anything how-to, or xx tips for xxxx will be very useful! These regular communications are all your business opportunities!
3. Customer Service is the key
Your pleasantness or your customer service, is important as you don’t ever want a hardly-earned contact and relationship will be ruined just because of a rude or impolite behavior. So do remind your staff and even yourself regarding all words going out to your contacts.
4. Personalization
Personalize your email and if possible, go with a personal profile photo at the end of email/communication so your audience would know who you are and let them know they are talking to a real person but not just a systematic email! Make yourself easily reachable. You can share the responsibility with your colleagues/staff at certain points of time when you get tons of replies, which is a happy problem! 🙂
Consider a happy smiley face to be put into your website/blog too!
Need a guidance with your event marketing and planning? Email me for an insight!