While you are running a business, have you ever thought of entering into any competition to build your credibility and brand? Today I have Serena Appiah, a mother of 3 children, to talk about her journey from leaving a government job and turned herself into a full time blogger. Her passion is all about using creativity to inspire people how to improve and maintain their home decor, on a DIY budget.
In this Interview, Serena shares:
- What she has done to get her into the Home+Garden Trendsetter Award Competition
- What did she do in the past before turning herself into a full time blogger
- How did she get around the challenges from having a job with regular pay, but now need to generate revenue all by herself. What is the force behind her?
- What is the biggest challenge she has ever encountered
- How does she manage a blog while she has a family and other obligations
- + lots more!
Let’s dive in and see how Serena did it!
So if you want to give her support just like me, offer her a vote here!