We all know being a female who need to balance her work in the family as well as to run a business, is not easy. Through my post on various discussion on the LinkedIn Forum, where I’m regularly their top influencer, I seek to capture important and precious recommendation for female who is trying to build and grow their own business.
Here is my question: “If you could give 1 piece of advice to female entrepreneur that would help them grow their business, what would it be?”
- Understand what your clients want. (By Sherman Mak)
- Understand strength and weaknesses whatever you are doing!!!!!!! Live your passion and make dreams come true. (By Nitin Gangar)
- Be clear of who you are as a person and who you are as a business and where the connection is. (By Kate Nightingale)
- Get an already successful entrepreneur to recommend a mentor you can call upon to help you plan, execute and critique your progress. (By Michael Johns)
- Believe in yourself, you are no less than the other. Entrepreneurship is unisex there is no bias on gender but there is always a bias to who do not give their best. (By Raghuvamsha Arjun Chetty)
- Always remember what set you on this path in the first place, never forget that! Always be true to who you are and your passions. Be authentic is the only way to go. (By Kimberley Wiggins)
- Remember your family. It will help you grow your business in that you won’t get burnt out and your family will support you more for finding a way to balance both. (By Samantha Cantrell)
- Don’t be in a rush to grow too fast. Take your time to build beneficial relationships and remember there is a formula to growth. An entrepreneur started off with a vision. A Small Business grew from that Entrepreneur’s vision. A Medium-Sized business was once a Small Business and a Big Business is a result of time, hard work, and an Entrepreneur’ vision. (By Tawana Necole)
- Balance! Balance time between working on your business, in your business and taking time off. Never underestimate the importance of time off. You will accomplish more and have more clarity around your goals and process. (By Lisa Swanson)
- Be Persistent! Big things won’t come overnight! Keep being inspired and motivated! (That’s my view! Jane W.)
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I like the tip about having successful entrepreneurs recommend a mentor for help. I’d imagine that having an advisor to rely on will help achieve that goal that you’re trying to achieve. There’s nothing wrong with getting a little help.
Yup, we need a bit of push at different points of time!