Just met a friend yesterday and was excited to know a campaign that she handled for a wedding company, has generated a good enrollment 6 times better than the other campaigns that they did for the past 2 months. I am so eager to share with you the success points that she shared with me!
1. Quick Action – what she did is a photo contest on Facebook for a photography company. What she requested, is just to have the participants to upload their photos and put a hashtag in the status bar. Easy, straightforward, just a few fingertips and the people are set to go!
2. Respond Fast – Once the Facebook Admin received a new post on this hashtag, they respond it at once by firstly giving a LIKE, and put up a small question (e.g. Oh, where was it taken, what a beautiful scene…) or a nice compliment note appreciating the photos! This does not only set out a nice warm welcome to the fans, but also build a good relationship for future business. And it looks more “human” too, as compared with a robot thank-you reply.
3. SignUp Form – She does not request the applicants to fill in a sign up form, until they posted their photos! If they are eager to get the prize, they will do it anyway (which is true!) Why bother to set a gate (some people may still be very conservative in giving out details)?! All she wants is more engagement by having more photos uploading to her page!
4) Design & Call-to-Action – The form size is optimized that it fits for all devices and screens. People can fill in the simple information within seconds! No hassle. She uses Leadpages to make this form and it takes her only 15 minutes to build up a beautiful Sign up Page. Lots of templates to choose from!
5) Direct link to the Email list – The form generated from Leadpages, also facilitates the linkage to her existing email marketing system, which is Aweber. This saves her tons of workload as once the applicant is on her list, Aweber will deliver her messages via the autoresponder that she previously set up to welcome every sign up member, and the subsequent newsletter etc.
6) Less is More – Use beautiful images or Videos. She uses PicMonkey . Avoid long rules and terms and conditions etc.! Don’t Scare People Away! Just put in some standard clause, e.g. Your Company reserves the final right of decision in case of disputes.
7) Attractive Prizes – Of course, the prize is attractive that worths the action! What she offers is a free wedding photo package which values US$1000!
With results like her, 6 times better than other campaigns, and generated over 16k+ reach, it’s gotta be worth a try on your side, right?
Share me the feedback of your campaign too!
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