With the holiday season just around the corner there are a lot of events going on at different places that you can participate and make sales. What events will your be participating this year?
I always tell my people around that, don’t ever under-estimate the power of Event marketing. It’s not just about how much sales you can generate from the event, it’s about how you can raise your brand awareness, and most importantly, build the relationship and the demand generation that can move up to your sales pipeline! It’s all about what you “DO” after the event and make your clients treasure them.
You might ask, how? Okay…. here are a number of tactics that I tried and tested, and they work!
Follow Up and Build the Relationship
Send a short message to your contacts that you have obtained from the event. Do it in the same evening or the next day, with a simple greeting and a brief introduction about yourself again. That will reinforce their memory about you and what you do! I would highly recommend to create your follow-up messages to engage with your audience on a regular basis. I particularly like AWEBER email campaign system which I tested and commented to be so far the most user-friendly system that can support this follow-up function.
Check out this article for a comparison of various email campaign systems that I used and why I choose to use and stick with AWEBER.
2. Referral by Word of Mouth
Word of mouth is a precious marketing tool, especially during this social media generation in which people love to share everything that make them happy! Try to send a thank you note to the customers who bought from you at the event. Don’t hesitate to ask for referral too and honor the referrals that you receive!
3. Make Your Best Customer Service
Providing great customer service is sometimes easier said than done. We always want to deliver our best, but we are all tired after event. So what I suggest is to maintain a good attitude at all times. Be friendly. Be helpful. Be personalized. So that even if you can’t meet a certain request at the moment, at least, make them know that you can be in touch easily if they need your support in the future.
4. Share the relevant news/updates
People don’t like hard-selling, do they? But they love to be engaged with things that they are interested. So if they came to your event and got connected with you, that means they love to be informed with any related content that you may have. Thanks for the social media world that we are living in. Even though we may not have time for blogging and to keep our audience engaged, there are photos, articles, status ideas (anything you need!) from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and your own favorite blogs! I use Post Planner platform which can suggest favorite contents and share to the audience on my behalf. You can even set the sharing on a pre-defined schedules so as to avoid your Facebook page being left idle for some time without new contents uploaded. It makes my job painless and profitable! Thanks for such a wonderful tool.
When is your next sales event? Make the most of that and generate the sales! There are more tips and tools that can help you meet various business objectives. If you are not yet on my email list, sign up below if you are interested to receive my update on a weekly basis! (oh yes, the below form is from Aweber too, love it? )